This month has seen so many news that we really have a hard time choosing where to start…
Let’s try!
Fans of old radio dramas can now listen to them on our site: they’ll find the radio broadcasting on the right sidebar of our Main Page.
We were about to insert the renowned ChatGPT on our site: actually we had already inserted it, but unfortunately once it started working we realized that the producers required a payment for that. So, since by our choice all products on our site are absolutely free, we had to give it up. However this does not mean that we will not try again, because the idea of having on our site a super smart AI expert in pulp magazines and old times (and with which our users can talk) is very attractive to us.
We will try again in September, using another plugin.
Some time ago, writer Nathan Hill sent us his compliments. Among other things, he noted that he learned a lot from the material on our site. We can say that letters of appreciation, by writers and users too, are always a good push to make ever more engaging. Thanks to all!
As promised we have added to the Pulp Magazines To Read list the great DETECTIVE STORY MAGAZINE, our first five issues from 1932 to 1949 (more to come).
Also, one more AMAZING STORIES (September 1934), one THRILLING LOVE (October 1948), four THRILLING ADVENTURES (July 1932, June 1939, August 1939, May 1940) and one THRILLING MYSTERY (July 1940) enrich the respective collections.
Next entry is going to be CRIME ILLUSTRATED (1955-1956), the second Picto-Fiction on our list scheduled for the first weeks of September.

Two more publications have been added to the Old Comics list:
– The interesting British western COWBOY COMICS LIBRARY, our first six issues from 1950 to 1954, and
– AMAZING ADULT FANTASY, the complete work of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko released in 1961 and 1962, nine issues which include in the last one the debut of Spider-Man.
All the stories featured in these issues are very interesting, but one struck us in a particular way and we want to propose it to you below. Let us know what you think of it.

Also, three more BATMAN first edition (December 1941, February 1942, April 1942) and five ALL WINNERS COMICS (Winter 1943, Fall 1944, Winter 1944, Spring 1945, Summer 1945) integrate now their respective sections.
The list of available films increases more and more.
We have just included the following classics in the Movies section, along with their trailers:
– THE SPIDER WOMAN STRIKES BACK (1946) with Gale Sondergaard as the main character after debutting in the classic 1943 movie “Sherlock Holmes and the Spider Woman”;
– The trailblazer TARZAN THE APE MAN (1932) with newcomer Johnny Weissmuller in his first appearance as the king of the jungle;
– THE OUTLAW (1943), the exciting western that marks the debut of an amazing Jane Russell;
– IMMORTAL SERGEANT (1943), the classic war movie with Henry Fonda and
– THE WASP WOMAN (1959), Roger Corman’s voyage into abysmal horror!
Finally, we’ve added seven fully restored covers to their sections: three Western (from 1909, 1940 and 1958), two Horror (from 1940 and 1943), one Romance (1948) and one Sci-Fi (1934).
Also, we have finished inserting the generic pulp covers by decade from the 1900s to the 1960s.
We will do the same for the remaining specific genres, which will join the covers listed by year.
That’s all for now (whoa…)
See you next month on
Davide Dana.
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