Hello, friends.
Here are the latest updates on pulpmagazines.org.
Let’s start!
The Pulp Magazines To Read section has now eight more issues available for free. We have just added:
– One THRILLING MYSTERY (September 1941);
– Two 10 STORY BOOK (August 1931 and March 1939);
– One STRAND MAGAZINE (November 1899);
– One BLUE BOOK (January 1955) and
– One THRILLING LOVE (February 1950) in their respective sections.
Also the only two issues of the picto-fiction CRIME ILLUSTRATED released in 1955 and 1956 are now in the list.
Scheduled for October is the great crime pulp NEW DETECTIVE MAGAZINE (1941-1953), of which we are working on the restoration of our first five issues.

We will add its successor, FIFTEEN DETECTIVE STORIES, in its own section in Pulp Magazines To Read despite it continuing the numbering of the original since, we confess, we have never particularly appreciated changes in magazine titles. So, for example, you will always find Pulpmagazines.org with this name.
The Science Fiction covers section has seen a major change, with six decades having been added, spanning from the 1920s to the 1970s.
The Romance section has also seen a similar change with the addition of three decades relating to the 30s, 40s and 50s.
In the future the same is going to happen for the Western and Horror sections.

Furthermore, ten restored pulp covers enrich the collection: three Westerns (from 1945, 1950 and 1955) and seven Romance (from 1930 to 1959).
Our site has been included in the list of the best resources for reading comics online drown up by the authoritative site Comicbasics.com. This is in addition to the flattering review that our site received some time ago from the platform The Obelisk. Our site is becoming increasingly popular and thanks to our efforts it continues to grow day after day.
HOPALONG CASSIDY is the thirty-ninth comic added to the list in September 2023: we have included its first 10 issues, ranging from 1943 to 1947.

Also, five more original SUPERMAN (from September 1940 to May 1941) and three more COWBOY COMICS LIBRARY (no. 144 from 1955, no. 168 and no.188 from 1956) have been added to their sections.
Finally, the epic western BUFFALO BILL, in his 1944 Technicolor version, has been added to the 54 classic films already on the list.
One last word.
We sincerely want to thank those who opened the advertisements on our site: Pulpmagazines.org continues to be online and to grow also thanks to them.
That’s all for now.
See you next month on
Davide Dana.
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