We’ve worked hard this past month at pulpmagazines.org, but it was worth it. The result is a swirl of emotions that takes the form of the following improvements:
We announced last month that we would be adding our first five restored issues of THRILLING MYSTERY (1935-1947) to the Pulp Magazines To Read section. It didn’t quite happen that way. In fact, we’ve added eight of them (when you start with restorations you never know when you’ll finish)!
Also, ’cause we only had one issue of DETECTIVE SHORT STORIES (November 1941) in his section and we feared he might be lonely, we were able to add two more issues to the page (April 1938, January 1939).
For the next weeks we’ve scheduled the early detective fiction pulp DETECTIVE STORY.

The Old Comics page has also seen some movement this month.
We have added to the list of free comics the only two issues released in 1956 of the western HEROES OF THE WILD FRONTIER, and the interesting BLACK MAGIC, our first five issues from 1950 to 1958.
As for the comics already in the list, they have been fleshed out by adding:
– Four more issues of ALL WINNERS, (Winter 1941, Spring 1943, Fall 1943, Spring 1944), total 11 issues for now;
– Two more issues of BATMAN first edition (August 1941, October 1941), total 7 issues, more to come, and
– Seven more ACTION COMICS (from November 1938 to May 1939), total 12 issues, more to come.
Also we’ve added 11 more audio comic books in its section.
Seven more restored covers now enrich the collection: six Horror covers from 1939 to 1946 and one Western cover from 1909.
Added this month:
– THE OLD DARK HOUSE (1932), the unforgettable horror starring Boris Karloff;
– VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS (1961), dinosaurs at their best!
– A NIGHT TO REMEMBER (1958), the classic Titanic movie;
– INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN (1956) with a great Lon Chaney Jr, and
– THE BLACK SWAN (1942), the technicolor, old style pirate movie.
We would like to remind you that on our site the movies are selected for the best video quality, are commercial-free and, like every feature on pulpmagazines.org, absolutely free.
We are evaluating some new features for the next future: a web radio broadcasting old time radio shows 24 hours a day, a page containing all the editorials of the first issues of the magazines, another page showing the best covers selected by decade from the 1900s to the 1960s, and more.
We’ll see how much of this we will be able to achieve for the month of August.
That’s all!
See you next month on
Davide Dana.
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