While it may not seem like it on the surface, this month has been of great significance for pulpmagazines.org.
To begin with, August saw the debut of our section dedicated to OLD COMICS, which now hosts our first seven publications and will grow further in September. At the moment the comic books present on our site are:
– ALL WINNERS COMICS, 5 issues from 1941 to 1943, for now
– GREAT WESTERN, 4 issues from 1954
– ACTION COMICS, 5 issues from 1938
– BATMAN, 5 issues from 1940 to 1941
– ZORRO, 7 issues from 1949 ato 1957
– GHOST COMICS, 6 issues from 1951 to 1953 and
– BLACK CAT, 7 issues from 1946 to 1947.

The first issue of BATMAN (spring 1940) is interesting for various reasons, including the fact that it illustrates the genesis of the character who would hold court for the next 80 years to the present day. The same can be said for the first issue of ACTION COMICS (June 1938), which sees the debut of the character of Superman when he did not yet own a publication of his own. Speaking of debuts, in the new section you can also find the first appearance of Zorro (Dell‘s “The Mark of Zorro”, May 1949) in comic format. (Of course, the character created by Johnston McCulley debuted in literary form in the August 6, 1919, issue of the pulp magazine All-Story Weekly with the novel “The Curse of Capistrano”.)
As previously mentioned in other posts, we do not place limits on the number of publications within our site, so expect to see their number grow as the months go by.
Technical problems related to the audiobooks and pulp movies sections slowed down the development of the site: these have been solved, even if this led to the temporary suspension of the two sections for about two weeks. Now the two sections have been reinstated and are in the process of improving further.
Six restored science fiction covers (from 1957 to 1973) have been added to the sci fi covers section. We are planning to create a fourth section dedicated to covers, after those dedicated to science fiction, western and horror: the ROMANCE section will contain the best covers, year by year, of women’s magazines of sentimental stories.
Two new magazines have been added to the 103 already existing on our site: THRILLING LOVE, five issues from 1941 to 1954, and the interesting single issue of the British GHOSTS AND GOBLINS (1938). We have not yet decided which pulp magazine to add in September: we welcome your suggestions. Feel free to write to us at hello@pulpmagazines.org.
And remember: all material appearing on pulpmagazines.org falls under the public domain, and on this site it is and will always be available without subscription and absolutely free.
That’s all, for now!
See you next month on
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