An old idea of ours is about to be realized.
August will see in fact appear on our site the first of a long list of comic books dating back to the golden age of the 30s, 40s and 50s. Various genres are going to appear in our new Old Comics section, including western, horror, science fiction, superheroes and adventure.
Since our editorial policy does not include any material dedicated to children, related comics could find their place in a completely new site to be created by us in the future (we are mulling that).
The inclusion of comics is an important boost for this site: we hope in this way to add further “sense of wonder” to the large amount already provided by our beloved pulp magazines.

The May 1949 issue of ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION is now available in its section, thus bringing the total to 29 issues, for now.
Also, the only available online issue of SWEETHEART STORIES (August 1942) has been added in our Pulp Magazines To Read list.
Next entry is the scheduled THRILLING LOVE (1931-1955) with our first six issues for now.

5 sci fi covers, from 1942 to 1979, have been added in the covers section along with 26 western covers from 1891 to 1965.
That’s all for now!
We wish you a great time on
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