Welcome back on pulpmagazines.org!
As the months go by, our site grows more and more big…
Let’s have a look.
In September our Pulp Magazines To Read page saw the addition of 15 more issues in the respective sections, namely:
– 1 ACTION STORIES (October 1939), total 8 for now
– 3 AMAZING STORIES (September 1926; Summer 1928; May 1929), total 53
– 3 DIME MYSTERY (January 1934; February 1937; May 1945), total 9
– 1 ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION (May 1942), total 30
– 1 FANTASTIC NOVELS (January 1949), total 4
– 1 STARTLING STORIES (September 1942), total 10, and
– 5 ADVENTURE (September 18, 1920; January 30, 1922; February 28, 1922; September 10, 1925; August 1, 1927), total 31.
And for this coming month we will be adding the Street & Smith pulp COMPLETE STORIES.
13 restored front pages have been added in the Pulp Covers section: six Science Fiction covers from 1928 to 1963, five Western from 1893 to 1928 and two Horror from 1940 and 1949.

Also our new Old Comics section has grown:
in September we have inserted five issues of ADVENTURE COMICS from 1938 to 1946, the only two existing issues of Charlton Comics SHERLOCK HOLMES released in 1955-56, the three issues of SPACE ACTION released in 1952 and the very interesting SCIENCE COMICS, five issues published in 1946. The latter in particular we find excelent because it divulges the most important advances in science relating to the mid-twentieth century in an entertaining and understandable form. Click the cover below to open it.

For the next weeks we are planning to add an entirely new section that we will call “Listen and See“: it will contain a series of videos containing comics that we just have to watch as a narrator reads them for us. The first ones we saw were very pleasant, almost like watching movies…
We are sure that this feature will increase the level of enjoyment on our site. You can watch an example below
Finally, a great improvement was on the audiobooks page, as we added among others:
Agatha Christie‘s “Murder on the Orient Express” (1933) and “The Mystery of the Circular Chamber” by L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace (1893) for the Mystery selection;
“Double Challenge” by Jim Kjelgaard (1957) for the Adventure selection;
“The Spoilers” by Rex Beach (1906), “The Raider of Lost Creek” by Louis L’amour (1976), “The Silent Rifleman” by Henry William Herbert (1882) and “The High Hander” by William O. Turner (1962) in the Western selection;
“The Brown Hand” by Arthur Conan Doyle (1899) and “Dracula’s Guest” by Bram Stoker (1896, first published in 1914) in the Horror one, and
“The Sentinel” (1948, first published in 1951) and “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968) by Arthur C. Clarke, the classics “The Fun They Had” (1951) and “The Last Question“(1956) by Isaac Asimov, “Starship Troopers” by Robert A. Heinlein (1959), the unforgettable “Planet of the Apes” by Pierre Boulle (1963), “Who Goes There?” by John W. Campbell Jr. (1938, the tale that gave rise to “The Thing from Another World”) and the masterpiece “Sentry” by Fredric Brown (1954) in the (you guessed it!) Science Fiction selection.
Also, we launched the new science fiction audiobooks expanded section. In the near future the same is going to happen for the other genres, too.
That’s all, for now!
Enjoy another month of good reading on
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