This November we added another pulp magazine to the already impressive list on our site. And it is also an important magazine in our field, since we are talking about the famous and driving ALL-STORY WEEKLY, of which we have inserted for now 8 issues from 1914 to 1920 in the Pulp Magazines To Read section.

Some do-gooder recently posted an issue of ALL-STORY LOVE magazine online, bringing the total number available online to five. So the March 27, 1937 issue is now available in its own section. If more are released, we will make sure to immediately post them on our site.

Also an issue of FLYING SAUCERS (December 1958) has been added to the other 8 already present in their section.
The Romance cover section has been enriched by the addition of four more restored covers (from 1937 to 1952). A restored Western cover (1950) has also been added to its section.
We have added the interesting and informative IT REALLY HAPPENED, 10 issues including the first from 1944 to 1947, to the Old Comics section.
The total of different comics currently available is now sixty-two.

We are currently working on two new pages dedicated the first to general vintage magazines and the second to spaghetti westerns. The two new sections will be set up similarly to our Pulp Magazines To Read and Pulp Movies pages, as our users appreciate their great ease of viewing and versatility of use.
While the presence of other vintage magazines makes sense on a site like ours, spaghetti westerns might be more difficult to accept: after all, we know, they are not a typically American phenomenon like our “pulps”… However, these films have in common with the pulp genre their being popular, easy to consume and their fast pace.
So expect their arrival (inside the right sidebar of the home page) in the near future.
That’s all for now, friends.
See you next month on
Davide Dana.
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