Good news for science fiction fans: after the 10 issues added in September, this month we have added another 13 issues of STARTLING STORIES (May 1939, July 1939, January 1940, March 1940, May 1940, July 1940, September 1940, March 1942, Spring 1944, Spring 1945, November 1948, March 1949 and July 1949) to their section, thus going from 10 to 33 available issues in the last sixty days.
We have also added 5 issues of WEIRD TALES (January, March, April, May and June 1925) to their section.

Scheduled for November is Frank Munsey‘s irreplaceable ALL-STORY MAGAZINE in its incarnation titled ALL-STORY WEEKLY (1914-1920).
We plan to restore and add our first issues within the next few weeks.

We are also considering opening a new section dedicated to general magazines of the time, such as LIFE, PEOPLE, COSMOPOLITAN, but also to more specialized magazines on scientific, historical, humorous subjects and so on.
The publication period should however remain consistent with that which our site deals with, that is, roughly from the end of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th.
We added 7 more FLASH GORDON comics (November 1947, June 1948, September 1949, November 1949, September 1952, May 1953 and September 1966) to their page.
We have also added to the list of old comics the only 2 issues available online (for now) of the interesting New Zealand SUPREME FEATURE COMIC, dating back to 1944.

Five restored covers have been added to their respective sections: 3 science fiction covers from 1944, 1945 and 1949, and 2 horror covers from 1942.
That’s all for now, friends!
See you in a month on…
Davide Dana.
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