For this last month has been of capital importance.
Not for the quantity of material, since for once we have only entered ten issues of WEIRD TALES (from July 1925 to April 1926), which are added to the fifty-six already existing on their page.

The reason for such importance is that we have solved a big problem related to the space available through our internet provider: the gigabytes at our disposal were no longer sufficient to allow us to further expand the site as we wanted, so we decided to change provider by selecting a more competitive one. The operation should have normally lasted a couple of days, but a series of unexpected and apparently insurmountable difficulties kept us busy for a good 15 days. However, we can say with satisfaction that the effort was worth it: now everything is solved, and the space at our disposal has increased tenfold. Also we can open many other websites (we have new sites planned dedicated selectively to science fiction movies, western, spaghetti western, classic and silent films), and, what is not bad, the management costs have been reduced.
Thus the introduction of a new section dedicated to vintage general magazines is now possible and will see the light in the coming weeks.
That’s all.
We wish you a happy new year free of wars and worries and full only of serenity and love…May every ray of dawn take your most beautiful dreams by the hand and lead them to reality
Davide Dana.
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