The crisis in the Middle East that erupted on October 7th saw us very busy on social media, and this has caused less time to be available for us to increase the material on
However we were able to add the following:
The Pulp Magazines To Read section has seen the addition of the great crime monthly NEW DETECTIVE MAGAZINE, featuring our first five issues from May 1944 to March 1949 (more to come).
Scheduled for the coming month is the sentimental RANGELAND ROMANCES, of which we are restoring our first five issues.

The immortal Alex Raymond‘s FLASH GORDON is now available in the Old Comics section, with our first 7 complete original strips from 1934 to 1942 and 6 complete issues from 1969 to 1970. Additional issues are being restored and will be added this month.
Halloween week is the most appropriate time to add the cover of the first issue of New Detective Magazine (March 1941) in the Horror section.

The 1953 Technicolor adventure classic WHITE WITCH DOCTOR, by Henry Hathaway, is our proposal for the month of November, and is the fifty-sixth film available on the list.
That’s all for now!
See you next month on
Davide Dana.
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