As promised, a great feature has been added to our site: starting this month the Audio Comic Books section is present on our main page on the right. On it you can admire old comics while at the same time a narrator reads what happens, thus making the atmosphere even more immersive.
In the next weeks we intend to add many more audio comic books to the 11 currently present, focusing the choice mainly on vintage comics.
Here is an example:
A new entry is now on our Pulp Magazines To Read list: the gorgeous COMPLETE STORIES, with five issues (for now) from 1924 to 1936.
Also, we have added in their respective sections the December 1934 issue of TERROR TALES, the February 1940 issue of ADVENTURE and the Winter 1955 issue of THRILLING WONDER STORIES.
Finally, we have added in its comic book section ZORRO’S “Ghost of the Mission” (1958).
For November is coming the interesting MODERN MECHANIX AND INVENTIONS, a non-fiction pulp magazine which has its value as a good exponent of late positivism, for which everything was possible in the hands of sufficiently learned people, and the advancements of science and technology were sure means to achieve the utopic realization of one’s dreams.
Hiroshima and Nazi doctors were still to come in the issues present on this site, so it was still legitimate to dream of all this. The issues we will insert this month range from 1933 to 1937.
Twentynine restored science fiction covers, from 1941 to 1976, have been added to our Sci Fi covers section. Also we’ve added four Horror covers from 1933 to 1941 and three Western covers from 1940 to 1959. Our goal remains to include the best 21 covers for each year considered.

Finally, two exciting Universal serial movies have been added to our Pulp Movies list:
Hoping to have met your expectations,
we wish you a lot of fun and good reading on
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