This month we wanted to meet the desires of tender hearts who love sentimental stories combined with the adventurous atmospheres of the great frontier: for this purpose we have included in our Pulp Magazines To Read list our first three issues of the great RANGELAND ROMANCES (1935 – 1955), including works by Diane Austin and Robert Turner.
Also, we are working on the restoration of two more issues that will be added this December.

Also for December we have scheduled the entry of the compelling 10 STORY WESTERN MAGAZINE

The crime pulp NEW DETECTIVE MAGAZINE section now contains its sixth available issue (October 1952)

Five fully restored romance covers, from 1944 to 1950, have been added to the collection
We are continuing the restoration and inclusion of the original FLASH GORDON comics and strips in our collection: there are now five more strips, from
– August 15, 1937 – May 29, 1938;
– April 14, 1940 – January 12, 1941;
– July 6, 1941 – December 28, 1941;
– June 21, 1942 – July 11, 1943 and
– February 13, 1944 – August 13, 1944
and one more comic book (August 1969).

That’s all for now.
We wish you happy holidays,
see you in January!
Davide Dana, admin of
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