Hello friends!
I am pleased to announce that I have overcome the aortic valve replacement heart surgery in the best possible way. Now at 58, among other things, I have an extended period ahead of me to devote full time to our favorite site!
Here our news about these last few days:
In the Pulp Magazines To Read section we have inserted our first nine issues, comprising the first (1930), of the classic Hugo Gernsback sci fi magazine WONDER STORIES, thus filling an important gap.
A special mention for the interesting issue of WONDER STORIES QUARTERLY of Spring 1931, for the Stanton A. Coblentz‘s story about Pluto, which at that time had recently been discovered.
More issues of WONDER STORIES are coming in March.

The next scheduled entry will be the romantic magazine IDEAL LOVE, with five issues from 1949 to 1958.

We have added 1 issue (April 1944) to the other 6 already present in their section, thanks to the kind interest of our friend Justin who proceeded to scan the original in his possession and sent it to us in PDF format. This issue, therefore, is currently not available anywhere else online being only present on our site (thanks again, Justin!).
Jules Verne’s masterpiece From the Earth to the Moon (1865) has been added in its 1924 edition to the collection.
Like every feature on our site, this one is also offered for free.
Ten restored pulp covers have been added to their respective collections: one Horror (1932), one Romantic (1944) and eight Sci Fi (from 1930 to 1978).

Finally, we would like to thank our friends at The Obelisk for their enthusiastic review of our website. The Obelisk is a recently opened site that is very dynamic in terms of interaction with the public, and the articles it publishes are really interesting and engaging.
Every fan of Pulp literature should be aware of it.
That’s all for now
See you in April!
Davide Dana
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