Hello friends!
Month after month our site grows bigger and bigger, and with it the amount of features available.
Here are our latest entries:
We have added to the list the romantic IDEAL LOVE, five issues from 1949 to 1958.
Scheduled for April is the great hard boiled THRILLING DETECTIVE, with our first five issues for now.

Also we added 2 issues of WONDER STORIES (August 1932, January 1934) and 1 BLUE BOOK (March 1926) to their own sections.
Six vintage comics have been added to the Old Comics list, namely:
– Lee Falk’s THE PHANTOM, five issues from 1957 to 1961 (color reprint of the originals from the 1930s);
– ROY ROGERS COMICS, 5 issues from 1952 to 1954;
– INDIANS, 5 issues from 1950 to 1951;
– TIT-BITS SCIENCE FICTION COMICS, 6 issues from 1953;
– TOM CORBETT, SPACE CADET, 5 issues from 1952 to 1955;
– OUT OF THIS WORLD, 5 issues from 1956 to 1959.
An interesting curiosity can be found in the third issue of TIT-BITS SCIENCE FICTION COMICS from 1953: those of you who until now thought that the names of the two satellites of Mars were Phobos and Deimos were wrong. The latter is actually called Diemos, as you can clearly see on the cover and also on the inside page. If you feel like it, inform NASA!
Sticking with the comics, but in their audio version, we’ve added to our list the little gem “Horror’s Little Acre” from ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS, August 1952 issue.
Starting from this month the Audio Comics page can be found in the main menu on the top of our Home Page.
We have added to the list the 1937 serial movie “Secret Agent X 9 “, based on the famous character created by Dashiell Hammett and Alex Raymond.
Our fans appreciate our list of vintage films as they are always selected for image clarity and lack of commercials, in addition to being available for free.
Finally, eight restored covers have been added to their sections: one western cover (1926), two sci fi covers (1952 – 1955) and five romance covers (1949 – 1958).
That’s all for now. See you next month!
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