Hello everyone.
Health problems forced us to spend less time on our site.
On January 19th the administrator of this site will have to undergo heart surgery for aortic valve replacement.
If all goes well we plan to resume writing these articles, and our work to expand the site, starting from March 2023; thus it may be that the What’s New article for next February will not be available.
Despite a week-long hospitalization this last month we have been able to make the debut of the great page dedicated to the TIMELESS CLASSICS LIBRARY, with our first 16 volumes all available to read for free. You will find them in our home page on the top right.
Also, 20 restored covers have been added to the Pulp Covers section:
two Pulp covers from 1920, seventeen Romance covers from 1938 to 1954 and one Sci Fi cover from 1969.
Finally, two issues of EXCITING LOVE (November 1948, January 1949) have been added in its section.
Next entry in the Pulp Magazines To Read page should be the great Hugo Gernsback’s WONDER STORIES magazine.
That’s all for now
See you in March!
Davide Dana
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1) Without paying: just open the ads occasionally.
2) If you shop on Amazon or Ebay, start your search from our Pulp Magazines For Sale page: you can look for any item you need, not necessarily related to pulps. Just open an advertising and start your search.
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