This month too there is no shortage of new features on our site, as the material we offer for free keeps growing:
Two more issues have been added to their respective sections:
1 THRILLING LOVE from June 1950 and 1 STRANGE TALES OF MYSTERY AND TERROR from June 1932. The latter now allows us to offer the complete original collection of the most illustrious rival of WEIRD TALES, released on newsstands between 1931 and 1933.
You can read both magazines below:
This month we have launched a new section dedicated to vintage periodicals: you will find magazines such as LIFE, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, PEOPLE, OUTDOOR LIFE and many other interesting productions of the twentieth and nineteenth centuries in the right sidebar of our Home Page under the name Free Old Magazines. For now the section contains our first 8 magazines, but the number is expected to grow in the future.

We’ve added four covers in their respective sections: 2 science fiction (1941, 1943), 1 western (1911) and 1 romance (1950). The latter (THRILLING LOVE, June 1950) was in very worn condition. To fix it we found online and subsequently adapted to the cover the original painting, currently up for auction.
We have added to the Comics roster the intriguing WEB OF MYSTERY, our first 10 issues including the first, from 1951 to 1952. More will follow.
Additionally, 1 more issue of the interesting IT REALLY HAPPENED (December 1946) has been added to its section.
That’s all for now, friends!
I’ll see you next month on
Davide Dana.
(This site relies on ads. Just open them occasionally, thanks)