A few hours before the start of the new year, we wish you every happiness and every good: may it be a year without wars, without pandemics and without wrongs of any kind. Only joy and entertainment, including our much-loved pulp magazines with their annexes and related such as comics, audio-comics, pulp movies, classic radio shows and audiobooks, all material that you can find all together and for free on one site only: pulpmagazines.org!
The collection of pulp magazines available is ever-growing. This month we added our 120th different magazine, 10 STORY WESTERN MAGAZINE, our first 5 issues from 1942 to 1949, in the Pulp Magazines To Read section.

Also we added 2 more RANGELAND ROMANCES (March 1952, May 1952) to its page. Scheduled for January is the Raymond A. Palmer’s supernatural MYSTIC MAGAZINE, 1950s version (not to be confused with its homonymous version from the 1930s).

Monster film fans will be happy to find the classic 1957 Bert I. Gordon sci fi/horror movie “BEGINNING OF THE END” in the Pulp Movies section. This entertainment is not recommended for those who hate insects, especially if they are ninety-eight feet tall…
Below is the trailer
The Old Comics section has seen the addition of the fabulous SUPER-MYSTERY COMICS with our first 2 issues from July and August 1940; we are restoring the covers of 8 additional issues that will be added soon to the list.

At the moment the total number of comics available amounts to two hundred and sixty.
Finally we added three more restored covers to the collection: 2 western covers from 1947 and 1949 and 1 Romance cover from 1943.
We are sure that this year will see Pulpmagazines.org grow further with the addition of more material and new sections… thus making it even more the first reference for every pulp culture and literature enthusiast.
Happy New Year!
Davide Dana
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