A new feature now enriches our site: with the aim of offering an ever more complete service, we have begun to put the trailers of the films in the Pulp Movies page. We believe in this way to make the section even more interesting.
Of course it can happen that some trailers are not available and therefore we are not able to insert them, however we remain committed to adding them as soon as they become available.
Also about the Pulp Movies section, we have added four more classic movies: KRONOS (1957), GORGO (1961), DEVIL GIRL FROM MARS (1954) and THE PAINTED DESERT (1931).
With the inclusion of the nineteen issues of PLANET STORIES from 1942 to 1954 we have reached the considerable quota of 114 magazines available for free.
For the month of July we plan to add the great Standard Magazines classic THRILLING MYSTERY (1935 – 1951), of which we are working on the restoration of our first five issues.

We’ve also added 1 issue of BUFFALO BILL LIBRARY (March 1924) and 1 ALL-STORY DETECTIVE (October 1949) on their respective pages.
Three more color comics have been added to the Old Comics section:
– GHOST STORIES, five issues from 1962 to 1964;
– ROBIN HOOD TALES, six issues from 1956 and
– SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON, five issues from 1951 to 1952.

Also, two more issues of Stan Lee’s ALL WINNERS COMICS (Fall 1941 and Spring 1942) have been added to their section.
Finally, 12 restored covers (from 1942 to 1954) have been added in the Sci Fi section and 7 more (from 1920 to 1924) to the Western one.
That’s all for now!
See you in August on
Davide Dana.
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