Hardcore users of this site will have lately noticed an increase in activity in the comics section to the detriment of the pages relating to pulp magazines.
We admit that: it is. The reason for this is that we have decided to increase to the limit the amount of comics available on our site, as we believe that the sense of wonder, typical of pulp magazines, is also found in comics.
For this purpose in April we’ve added eight more comics to the list, namely:
– TARZAN, 6 issues from 1947 to 1961
– TARZAN COMIC STRIPS, 3 years (1958, 1959, 1960)
– WONDER WOMAN, 5 issues from 1942 to 1943
– SUPERMAN, 5 issues from 1939 to 1940
– ALL AMERICAN WESTERN, 4 issues from 1949 to 1951
– GUNSMOKE, 7 issues from 1957 to 1959
– MOVIE COMICS, 4 issues from 1946 to 1947 and
– DAREDEVIL COMICS, 5 issues from 1941 to 1955.
More comics are going to come in the next few weeks and after.
The classic novelette “YOUTH” (1952) by Isaac Asimov has been added to the science fiction audiobooks list:
As for pulp magazines, three new entries enrich now the Pulp Magazines To Read list:
– The hard boiled THRILLING DETECTIVE, 5 issues from 1945 to 1953
– CAPTAIN HAZZARD, the single issue from May 1938 and
– The British penny dreadful O’ER LAND AND SEA, 4 issues from 1890 to 1893, also notable for a good account on Buffalo Bill in the first issue.
Also, two “pulps” have been added to their respective pages: the August 1941 issue of ADVENTURE (see cover above) and the August 1940 issue of STRANGE STORIES.
Scheduled for May is Hugo Gernsback‘s variant SCIENCE WONDER STORIES with our first five issues (for now).

Finally, six restored covers have been added to the collection: one in the All Pulps section (1920), one in the Horror section (1940) and four in the Western section (from 1890 to 1941).
That’s all for now!
Keep getting excited at
Davide Dana
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