What’s new – April 2021



Great news on our site! Two brand new Pulp Movie and Audiobook lists are now available on our Main Page: the first offers for now 36 blockbuster movies of the pulp era, with titles like “The Phantom”, “King of the Zombies”, “The Prisoner of Shark Island”, “Adventures of Captain Marvel”, just to name a few. All films are selected for the best video quality, do not contain advertising and are absolutely free! The Audiobook list contains for now 28 titles featuring authors such as Murray Leinster, Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle among others. Naturally we are working to make both lists more and more extensive, so the amount of material available is going to grow over time.


As promised last month, we have put two new entries on our Pulp Magazines to Read list: UNCANNY TALES, two issues from 1940 and 1942 (only two issues available online, for now) and DOUBLE-ACTION DETECTIVE, two issues from 1955 and 1959. For April we are planning to add the legendary mystery/crime fiction magazine MANHUNT (1953-1967), famous for publishing stories of Evan Hunter and Mickey Spillane among others.


MANHUNT - March 1953



The selected Western and Sci Fi cover pages have been boosted, too: they contain now nine more western covers (from 1912 to 1950) and five more sci fi covers (from 1927 to 1979).


The September 1927 issue, containing works by H.G.Wells and H.P.Lovecraft among others, has been added in our AMAZING STORIES page. 17 issues are for now in the list, though we aim to insert all the available issues as we restore their covers.


AMAZING STORIES - September 1927



5 issues of Short Stories magazine have been switched to PDF Reader after the new restoration of their covers. The remaining magazines still in Flipbook mode amount now to 18.

Finally, two last things: First, we remind you of the next PULPADVENTURECON to be held at Dania Beach (FL) on may 1st 2021 covid permitting. More info here.


pulp adventurecon


Second, we wish to thank those of you who have opened the ads on our site. We noticed the difference, and surely you have made things easier for us.

It’s all for now
See you in May, and have a great timeless reading pleasure on

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1) without paying: just open the ads from time to time (not for the Amazon and Ebay ads).
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