What’s new – May 2021

Hello everyone!

As promised last month, we’ve added a new entry on our Pulp Magazines to Read list: the classic crime fiction magazine MANHUNT (1953-1967), of which we have put five issues (for now), comprising the first one, from 1953 to 1955. If interested, you can watch an interesting review of the magazine by the collector Jules Burt in the video below:



For this month of May we’ve scheduled a further new entry, the digest size magazine AVON FANTASY READER (1947-1952), of which we like to propose its blurb: “Past, Present, or Future or whatever sector of time and space you prefer, you’ll find the stories in these pages encompass the entire universe of imagination. From the eerie, spook-haunted corridors of ancient Asian castles to the water-choked avenues of Atlantean kingdoms… From the sinister sands of icy Martian deserts to the thunderbolt battles of future’s interplanetary rockets. Neither the invisible energy of atom nor the monstrous matter of the Milky Way present barriers to the mind that author these amazing fantasies. There are no boundaries to the astonishment, thrills and chills you’ll meet in the pages of… the Avon Fantasy Reader!”






-Six new audiobooks and one more pulp movie enrich now the respective collections.
-Ten magazines have been switched to PDF viewer mode; we should be able to switch the remaining eight issues (LOVE STORY MAGAZINE) this month.
-One more issue of Street & Smith’s MYSTERY MAGAZINE, from May 1941, has been added in its section.
-Three more covers have been added in the Selected Western and Sci Fi cover pages.

A last word about the audiobooks and the works we select for the Short Stories & Great Fiction page: the main source for them is, of course, the material published on the pulp magazines. However we do not disdain other literary works we deem interesting for the subject or for artistic merit. After all, this is a literary website: albeit popular, every work able to arouse wonder, dream and spiritual elevation is always well appreciated.

It’s all for now,
see you in June!


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