What’s new – March 2021

Hi all!

Month after month, Pulpmagazines.org is improving steadfast.
A lot of new features have seen the light this past February, starting from the seventy-sixth magazine now available in our Pulp Magazines to Read list, namely the great and captivating LONDON MYSTERY MAGAZINE, of which we’ve put for now five issues from 1950 to 1957.

New adds

As for the other magazines already present on our list, more issues have been added: five AMAZING STORIES (from 1939 to 1962), five WEIRD TALES (from 1929 to 1954) and one more FIGHT STORIES from October 1931.
Further issues of AMAZING STORIES and WEIRD TALES are coming for March.

Two coming pulps

Also for March we are going to put two more magazines: the Blue Ribbon’s DOUBLE-ACTION DETECTIVE (1938-1960, including a 14 years hiatus) and the Canadian UNCANNY TALES (1940-1943); oddly enough, this second magazine was preceded by an unrelated US magazine by the same name (UNCANNY TALES, April 1939-May 1940).





A new “pulp movie” is now available in our Main Page on the right side: the MGM 1955 classic in technicolor “FORT YUMA” by Lesley Selander.
Also in our Main Page is a new video showing the difference between pulps and comics.


After many requests we have agreed to insert again “The Mystery of Room 666” (1910), by the author of the “Thinking Machine” series Jacques Futrelle, on our audiobook reader. Other works by the same author are scheduled for the next future. Sadly we cannot insert all his works, as many of them lie now on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean where they sank along with its author that fatal night of April 1912 in the Titanic disaster (last seeing of him was on the deck, smocking a cigarette after giving up his place on the boat to his wife Lily).
Returning to pulpmagazines.org, we are considering to create a page containing a list of all previous audiobooks on our site, in order to give our readers the opportunity to choose the story to listen.


As regards to the Cover collection, we have added 7 more sci-fi covers and 23 westerns in their respective pages.

Finally, all the issues of STARTLING STORIES in our site are now displayed in PDF viewer mode; the remaining issues still in Flipbook mode amount now to 23.

It’s all for now. We wish you the best, and see you next month on


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