“Detectives, aliens, cowboys, masked crimefighters, and many more!”
This is the tagline of the Pulpadventure convention to be held in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, on November 7, 2020 and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on February 2021, covid permitting. If you are interested in this happening you can get more info here: https://pulp-adventurecon.square.site/.
As for pulpmagazines.org: our Pulp Magazines to Read section has now five more magazines on its list, thus increasing the availability of choice. This past month, in fact, have been added:
– FIVE NOVELS MAGAZINE, five issues from 1933 to 1942
– FRONTIER STORIES, five issues from 1939 to 1949
– FANTASTIC (in its variety of titles), five issues, comprising the first, from 1952 to 1966
– COWBOY SHORT STORIES, only issue available online, from November 1939
– DETECTIVE SHORT STORIES, only issue available online, from November 1941.
As always we will try to find and catch more issues if they become accessible.
The page dedicated to NICK CARTER STORIES magazine (first published in 1912) has now a total of six issues, having we added five more of them in the list.

Besides the main Nick Carter story, always a pleasure, we find particularly attractive the “News of All Nations” given in the last pages: that whirlwind of events from all over the world resembles someway the setting up of certain sensationalist websites to which we are all familiar nowadays (or is the opposite true?).
For this month of November three new entries are scheduled: ASTONISHING STORIES, the early forties Popular Publications magazine containing works by Isaac Asimov, Alfred Bester and Robert Bloch among others; CAPTAIN FUTURE, the famous space hero created by Mort Weisinger and authored by Edmond Hamilton first released between 1940 and 1944, and, finally, STARTLING DETECTIVE ADVENTURES, the long-lived mystery magazine debuted in 1929.

Further improvements
Two issues of STRANGE TALES OF MYSTERY AND TERROR have been switched to PDF mode, the same for all the issues of BLACK MASK and TERROR TALES in our list. The remaining issues still in Flipbook mode amount now to 69.
17 covers have been added in the Selected Sci Fi Covers page, and 15 more in the Western section.
As the amount of material is becoming considerable, we chose to move the “internal search” option to the top of the widget area in our main page.
In the same area is now viewable the 1957 comic science-fiction horror movie “Invasion of the Saucer Men“, directed by Edward L. Cahn.
Also in the main page you can watch the video “LOST ART OF THE PULPS: ADVENTURE“, showing a selection of adventure covers from the pulp era.
We conclude remembering that you can ask to add a specific magazine not currently in the Pulp Magazines to Read list, or more issues of the existing ones, emailing us to hello@pulpmagazines.org. We will consider your proposal.
See you in December!
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