Hi all.
Our site www.pulpmagazines.org continues to grow and, with it, also the amount of magazines available for reading.
As we had anticipated last month, three new entries enrich now our list of Pulp Magazines to Read: ASTONISHING STORIES, five issues from 1940 to 1943, CAPTAIN FUTURE, six issues also from 1940 to 1943, and STARTLING DETECTIVE ADVENTURES, three issues from 1930 to 1932.
Notably, the April 1940 issue of ASTONISHING STORIES contains the first appearance of the fiction “The Callistan Menace” by a young Isaac Asimov: although this isn’t his first published work (the author debuted in March 1939 on AMAZING STORIES with the short “Marooned off Vesta”), this is the oldest existing Asimov’s story, having he written it in July 1938, when he was only eighteen.

Now in the works is the new entry for this month of December: SCOOPS, the first British science fiction magazine published in 1934. Very interesting are its pages dedicated to “the wonders of tomorrow“: in them you can find super liners, orbiting satellites, radio signal to approaching cars and even car phones and newspapers to be read over television! In other words, our present in a dystopic fashioned view.
Dick Tracy’s character is the protagonist of the Republic Movie serial in 15 episodes “Dick Tracy Returns“, released in 1938. You can watch them now in our main page on the right.
Our Selected Sci Fi Covers page has now 35 more covers, spanning from 1926 to 1975.
Further eight magazines (comprising STRANGE TALES OF MYSTERY AND TERROR and GHOST STORIES) have been switched to PDF viewer. The remaining magazines still in Flipbook mode amounts now to 61.
It’s all for now. We wish you a great festive season and a happy new year, in spite of everything.
See you in January!
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