An interesting story about time travel appeared on the Summer 1929 issue of the magazine AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY.
In “Paradox“, by Charles Cloukey, the author carries the reader in 2930, where mankind has its problems with an invading Martian race. This story has two peculiarities that differentiate it from others of the same genre: first, the author develops the plot in a more positive and in a sense more pleasant way than his inspirator H.G.Wells. Second, although it would not seem judging the style through today’s eyes, the author was only sixteen when he wrote it. Charles Cloukey had the time to write a few other works before dying at only 19. It is generally acknowledged that, if fate had not been against him, this author would probably become an authority in the field of fantasy and fantastic.
If interested, you can read it here (page 100 of the Google Reader).
This story had two sequels: “Paradox +” (AMAZING STORIES, July 1930) and “Anachronism” (AMAZING STORIES, December 1930).

Three new pulps enrich now the list of magazines available on the Pulp Magazines To Read section.
In fact this past April we added five issues of the great NORTH-WEST ROMANCES from 1943 to 1951 (more to come), the only two released issues of the rare MIRACLE SCIENCE AND FANTASY STORIES (1931) and the single issue of FLASH GORDON STRANGE ADVENTURE MAGAZINE (1936). Curiously, at the time this latter proved unsuccessful despite the huge popularity of the character; however we think it is still worth reading the stories.
For May we are working on the next magazine to add, the interesting SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY (1940-1943, reborn in 1951 and ceased in 1958).
In april we’ve put 15 more pulp covers in their sections, specifically: five Sci Fi covers from 1931 to 1956, six Horror covers from 1926 to 1941 and four Western covers from 1911 to 1930.
Also in April we have placed the following issues in their respective sections:
– 1 SHORT STORIES (August 10, 1948)
– 1 ADVENTURE (November 1946)
– 1 WESTERN STORY (July 5, 1930)
– 1 LOVE STORY (January 11, 1936) and
– 2 BLUE BOOK (October 1920, April 1922).
We hope you will enjoy all these updating!
That’s all for now
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