It’s picto-fiction time!
Never heard about it?
That’s understandable, given that at the time this feature was short-lived and disappeared within ten months.
What is it about? In 1955 EC Comics released the first of four different magazines on Horror, Suspense, Crime and Romance, featuring an unusual new format: a sort of mix between comics and fiction. Heavily illustrated texts were aimed to prompt a more immediate involvement, and actually many testified it worked.
We also liked it, so this past month we’ve added the second of such magazines, ADULT TALES OF TERROR ILLUSTRATED, in our Pulp Magazines To Read list. We hope to bring the remaining three magazines at a later time.

In addition to ADULT TALES OF TERROR ILLUSTRATED we have also inserted five issues of TWO COMPLETE DETECTIVE BOOKS, the great pulp crime fiction magazine debuted in 1939.
For lovers of the wild side and the great north, we announce for this month the coming of the gorgeous NORTH-WEST ROMANCES magazine, of which we’ve scheduled five issues from 1943 to 1951. More issues are planned for the next few weeks.
By the way, we note with pleasure that we are nearing the hundredth different pulp magazine in our list: we should reach this goal within the next two months.
Also in March we added 22 restored pulp covers in our Cover Collection, namely: 6 more Horror covers from 1933 to 1957, 6 Sci Fi covers from 1931 to 1979 and 10 Western covers from 1893 to 1951.
Our list now includes 11 more issues in their respective sections:
– 2 more THRILLING WONDER STORIES (October 1936, October 1942), for a total of 5 for now.
– 2 FATE (July 1954, August 1954), total 7.
– 1 ARGOSY (June 1914), total 13.
– 2 ADVENTURE (February 1911, August 3, 1918), total 25 .
– 1 MAMMOTH ADVENTURE (September 1946), total 4 .
– 1 LOVE STORY MAGAZINE (August 15, 1931), total 11.
– 1 MYSTERY (May 1940), total 4, and
– 1 STRANGE TALES OF MYSTERY AND TERROR (January 1933), total 6.
Finally, we conclude with a great thank you to those who opened the advertising on our site once a month: without spending anything you have made it easier for us to keep this site available online.
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