What’s new – November 2021



Halloween time and its first fogs inspired us a new initiative: the third cover section, dedicated, guess what?, to the classic Horror covers appeared on the newsstands throughout the 20th century. We’ll start to put them on a new page within the first week of November!


(C) Stephen Andrade



Our collection of available magazines is growing fast and bigger. This past October have been added to the issues already on the list 4 more STARTLING STORIES (July 1942, Summer 1945, March 1947, July 1948), 3 SPICY STORIES (April 1933, November 1933, September 1934), 5 ARGOSY (July 20, 1929; March 15, 1930; October 11, 1930; June 6, 1931; August 23, 1941) and 3 FRONTIER STORIES (May 1926, Winter 1937, Summer 1942).
We have no intention of stopping till all the issues available online are added to our pages for the joy of our readers.



As promised, our Pulp Magazines To Read section includes now the great pulp MARVEL STORIES, five issues from August 1938 (first one) to November 1950. More to come in the coming weeks.
For November we’ve scheduled the next entry WILD WEST WEEKLY (1902-1943), both in its early century dime novel incarnation and its later Street & Smith’s pulp version.




We’ve added 8 sci fi covers from 1929 to 1979 and 38 western covers from 1885 to 1965. As for the western covers, we placed the emphasis especially on the 1885-1896 years: the aim is to illustrate the passage from the real western life to the literary myths of the West. To that effect more covers are to come in the next future.

A final word to the users of our pulp magazines app: this month we decided to sobstitute it with a more powerful version. Presently the app is working fine but the pulp magazine list will be out of date, so you’ll find less magazines there. For the moment, if you want to get the complete list we suggest to remove the app and tour the list directly online.

It’s all for now.

Have a great time, and see you next month on




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