Hello friends…
let’s see together what’s new this month on our favorite pulp site!
As promised last month, we have added the compelling and prurient SPICY MYSTERY STORIES to our collection of available magazines. For now we have only managed to find three issues, from 1936 to 1937, however we will continue to keep our eyes wide open in case some kind soul posts further issues online.

The September 1947 issue of FANTASTIC ADVENTURES is now available along with the other five on their relative page.
Scheduled for May are more issues of the great periodical on paranormal FATE, of which we propose four issues from 1953 to 1954. They will be added to the seven already present on our site.

Similarly to the section dedicated to science fiction audiobooks, the horror section will soon see the light in a separate and more complete page. To this end, we have begun adding additional audiobooks of classic horror tales, among which we find Clark Ashton Smith‘s story below particularly fascinating (1934)
Five issues of PLANET COMICS from 1940 to 1944 now enrich our collection of classic comics. The total amount of periodicals available is now 53 and their number is slowly but steadily growing.

Finally, two more restored classic covers from 1936 and 1937 have been added to the Horror section.
That’s all, for now.
Keep stay tuned on
Davide Dana.
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