As we announced last month, we worked hard in February to expand the collection of what is considered by many to be the number one pulp magazine: WEIRD TALES, “the unique magazine“.
The available issues have therefore gone from 41 to 46, out of a total of 279 issues that make up the original series (which we are trying to include in full). In any case, the first two years of the magazine are now fully present on our site.

Next magazine scheduled for this month is TRUE DETECTIVE MYSTERIES, the great pulp crime from the roaring twenties!

Our users’ interest in old comics from the so-called “golden age” continues to increase.
We have therefore worked to further enrich our collection in the Old Comics section. In February we added:
– WHIZ COMICS, 5 issues from 1940 to 1950;
– DON WINSLOW OF THE NAVY, 6 issues from 1943 to 1947;
– JUNGLE COMICS, 5 issues from 1940 to 1943 and
– INDIAN BRAVES, 4 issues from 1951.
Our goal remains the very ambitious one of obtaining all the classic comics legally available online and including them in our collection.
That’s all, friends…
See you in April on
Davide Dana.
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