Lovers of the old supernatural stories will probably love our new entry for July: the rare 1938 british edition of GHOSTS AND GOBLINS, an interesting feature containing a precious selection of eerie tales from renowned authors such R. Thurston Hopkins, Frank Clements, E.W. Grier among others. If interested, you can find it on our Main Page or by selecting the cover below
Our Pulp Magazines To Read page contains now two more “pulps”: the soft ALL-STORY LOVE, four issues from 1935 to 1951 (for now) and PRIVATE DETECTIVE STORIES, five issues from 1937 to 1945 (for now). Also one more issue of LOVE STORY MAGAZINE (November 3, 1934) is now on the LOVE STORY section. For the month of July we intend to add a great amount of romance, to read sighing under the beach umbrella. At the moment we are working on THRILLING LOVE (1931-1955), TRUE CONFESSIONS (1922 – still on the market), ROMANCE (1919-1929), SWEETHEART STORIES (1925-1943) and some other.

15 front pages have been added to the collection: 9 Horror covers from 1927 to 1959, 3 Western covers from 1922 to 1938 and 3 Sci Fi covers from 1978 to 1979.
That’s all!
See you next month and
keep good summer readings on
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