What’s new – December 2021



This beginning of winter brought us the first chills: to them we want to add our personal shivers, of fright.

We have in fact begun to insert our first pulp covers related to the horror genre, covering the entire span of the last century.
So far we’ve put 52 restored covers ranging from 1920 to 1960. You can look at them here.


horror covers



Also, further covers enrich our collection, having we added 20 western covers (from 1890 to 1943) to the existing 154, and 7 sci-fi covers (from 1930 to 1969) to the existing 390.


Over the last weeks we’ve added in their respective sections:
– 9 WEIRD TALES (April 1923, November 1923, April 1924, February 1925, November 1927, April 1928, November 1930, November 1931, November 1937)
– 2 ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION (October 1945, April 1949)
– 5 BLACK MASK (November 1932, December 1938, January 1946, January 1950, May 1950)
– 3 AMAZING STORIES (March 1945, September 1969, October 1974)
– 1 ADVENTURE (December 1916) and
– 1 WESTERN STORY (November 1944).

As we promised last month, one more magazine is now on our Pulp Magazines To Read list: the gorgeous WILD WEST WEEKLY with 6 issues, for now, from 1910 to 1943.

For December we are planning to add our next entry: the great Ziff-Davis’s FANTASTIC ADVENTURES magazine (1939-1953), edited for most of its existence by the editor and author Raymond Palmer, also curator of the leading science fiction magazine AMAZING STORIES. Guests of the magazine were such authors as August Derleth, Robert Bloch and Ray Bradbury among others.


fantastic adventures covers


In closing, we renew our invitation to propose other magazines to add (or more issues among those already present): we’ll consider your request.
Just email us at hello@pulpmagazines.org.

It’s all for now.

See you next month, and have a timeless reading pleasure on




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