We have always loved the editorials of the first issue of the magazines. To us, hardly other written works reach such a degree of expectation, enthusiasm and energy…
So, on this page you will find a wide selection of them to the delight of every fan of the Pulp genre and literature in general.
From “Adult Tales of Terror Illustrated“, December 1955
From “Air Wonder Stories“, July 1929
From “Amazing Stories“, April 1926
From “A. Merritt’s Fantasy Magazine“, December 1949
From “Astonishing Stories“, February 1940
From “Avon Fantasy Reader“, February 1947
From “Captain Future“, Winter 1940
From “Captain Hazzard“, May 1938
From “Crime Illustrated“, December 1955
From “Fantastic Novels“, July 1940
From “Fate“, Spring 1948
From “Fight Stories“, June 1928
From “Flash Gordon Strange Adventure Magazine“, December 1936
From “Girl’s Detective Mysteries“, October 1936
From “Golden Fleece“, October 1938
From “Horror Stories“, January 1935
From “Manhunt“, January 1953
From “Marvel Science Stories“, August 1938
From “Mystic“, November 1953
From “Science Fiction Plus“, March 1953
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